Future Cars: Peeling Back the Camo on BMW's New i8 Hybrid Coupe

Normally, when one mentions any reference to the word "Hybrid", shudders and torturous visuals of older generation Toyota Prii (plural of Prius) come to mind; and for myself especially, it's like a panic attack of automotive question marks combined with a dose of sore eyes.

Fortunately, the world moves on, as does that of the hybrid propelled automobile. Today, manufacturers such as Ferrari, McLaren and Porsche have joined the game with their hyper-offerings; all of which dispel the notion that hybrids have to resemble awkwardly styled hatchbacks (and yes Honda Insight, that was a jab at you too). So, not wanting be left out of the race, BMW have joined the fray with their i8 Hybrid Coupe entrant.

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